Andrew is first class both in terms of technical knowledge and ability and in knowing how best to deploy it.
Andrew's knowledge of the law is terrific and he is incredibly insightful.
Excellent and charming.
Very professional with human qualities, efficient and proactive in bringing solutions to solve family issues.
Andrew – he’s the litigator you want on your side in any trust dispute.
Fantastic in delivering straightforward and practical legal advice.
Considered, responsive and analytical.
Andrew is excellent; he knows the subjects and is extremely capable, his treatment is impeccable.
A seasoned offshore adviser.
Andrew is Counsel in our Private Client and Trusts team.
Andrew has extensive experience in complex commercial litigation, with a focus on contentious and non-contentious trust and estate disputes, many of which have a multi-jurisdictional element. He regularly acts for trustees, settlors, protectors, enforcers and beneficiaries and he also advises on regulatory matters.
Recent matters include:
Andrew is frequently asked to speak at conferences on topics pertinent to the trust industry and has also authored numerous articles.
Andrew was admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 2001, the High Court of Australia in 2003 and as an attorney of the Cayman Islands in 2017.
He has worked offshore since 2010, first in Guernsey, where he was heavily involved in one of the largest trust disputes in the Channel Islands that was ultimately determined by the Privy Council, before moving to the Cayman Islands in late 2016.
We represent beneficiaries, high-net-worth individuals, trustees, protectors and other power holders in a range of contentious and semi-contentious situations. Our lawyers have been at the forefront of the most complex, high-value private wealth litigation offshore.
We often deal with novel points of law, creating new and innovative solutions to meet the needs of our clients.
Given the international nature of private wealth, with clients and their assets spread across the world, we work as a joined-up global team so that our clients can benefit from the knowledge and experience wherever they may need it.
Read moreIn regulatory disputes there are often fine lines between the usual wrangling with the regulator and something more serious – by matching our mix of experienced contentious and non-contentious lawyers to the particular problem at hand, we achieve better and more efficient outcomes. As regulatory experts, we frequently act on contentious matters and can leverage our experience to help clients achieve the highest regulatory standards and avoid common pitfalls.
We provide fast, cost-effective and sensitive advice on all types of will-related disputes during what is often an extremely upsetting and distressing time for those concerned. We regularly act on multi-party actions for both plaintiffs and defendants.
Changes of trustee documents (DORA or IORAs) usually contain indemnities from the incoming trustee to the outgoing trustee which are often hotly negotiated and can be complex. A change of trustee also presents a good opportunity for the incoming trustee to undertake a due diligence exercise by reviewing the trust documents, ensuring that the previous chain of trusteeship is intact and ensuring that the outgoing trustee ratifies or rectifies any flaws in the trust or the trust documents before the trusteeship is handed over. We have considerable experience in narrowing the issues in these negotiations. We are also well versed in assisting our trustee clients in mitigating risk by spotting (sometimes very significant flaws) in trusts before they are taken on and by ratifying previous discrepancies in a commercial manner – commonly without necessitating the involvement of the court.
The role of a modern trustee has never been more complex. Trustees must satisfy the needs and desires of their beneficiaries, manage complex assets and navigate an ever-changing legal and regulatory landscape.
We know that trustees can need assistance and advice on how best to satisfy their duties and to meet their legal and regulatory obligations. We understand and have a great deal of experience in working with trustees to get ahead of any potentially difficult situation and resolve it in a way that minimises risk and conflict.
Collas Crill's teams in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Cayman Islands have received another strong set of rankings in this year's Legal 500 Caribbean directory. The firm is consistently ranked across all of its key practice areas, having moved from...
Planning for the 'silver tsunami'
This article was written by Andrew Peedom for IMG Trust's 'tensions in trusts' series on 8 May - featured here. Although much has been said about the 'great wealth transfer' in recent times, there has been less focus upon the genesis of that phenomenon. ...
Legal 500 Caribbean 2024 guide
Collas Crill's teams in the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands have received a solid set of results in the latest Legal 500 directory. In the BVI the dispute resolution team has moved up to tier 3, with the Cayman corporate team being listed by Le...
Cayman work experience programme 2023
Collas Crill are delighted to have welcomed a total of 7 students to our Cayman office on our Work Experience Programme over the last few months. As well as new faces we were pleased to welcome some familiar faces in students who took part in the 2022 Co...
Collas Crill: Legal 500 Caribbean
Collas Crill's teams in the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands have received another strong set of results in the Legal 500 directory. This year the firm has moved up a tier in one practice area and maintained its position across all others. Clai...
This article was first published in STEP's Trust Quarterly Review in June 2022. This article will cover the recent judgment of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (the Court), which concerned whether a declaration of exclusion by a settlor excluding...
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